Asset Management
Features & Overview
Admin Dashboard
Instant Access, Full Overview!
Get instant access to recent activity of your current inventory, including assets, accessories, & consumables.

Monitor, track, and maintain assets, including physical equipment, digital assets, and intellectual property.
Track Assets Swiftly, Always in Sight!
Quickly track assigned assets, their users, and locations. Easily manage inventory, history, and status (deployed, pending, ready, or archived) with one-click actions.

Asset Tracking key Features
- Easy checkin
- Require User Acceptance (End-User EULAs/Terms of Service) on Checkout
- Email alerts for expiring warrantees and licenses
- Quick and easy asset auditing
- Easily import and export assets
- Generate QR code labels for easy mobile access and labels
- Assets marked as requestable can be requested by a user
- Full of checkin/checkout & maintenance