


Are you unclear about GST compliances and GST filing? Don’t worry, This article will give you a fair understanding of both precisely. Let’s get started quickly.

GST compliance refers to adherence to the rules and regulations of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system implemented in various countries. It involves ensuring that businesses and individuals fulfill their legal obligations, such as registration, filing tax returns, paying taxes, maintaining proper records, and adhering to reporting requirements

GST compliance involves staying updated with any changes or amendments in the GST laws, and understanding the tax rates, exemptions, input tax credits, and other provisions. It also includes proper documentation and record-keeping to support the GST filings and audits.

Non-compliance with GST regulations can lead to penalties, fines, and legal consequences. Therefore, businesses and individuals must ensure GST compliance to avoid legal issues and maintain smooth operations.


  • Streamlined taxation system: GST compliance helps in simplifying the taxation process by bringing all indirect taxes under one umbrella. This reduces the burden of complying with multiple tax laws and makes it easier for businesses to understand and manage their tax obligations. 
  • Improved efficiency: With the introduction of GST, businesses no longer have to deal with the complexities of multiple tax laws, paperwork, and multiple tax filings. This improves efficiency and saves time, enabling businesses to focus on their core operations. 
  • Reduced tax evasion: GST compliance helps in minimizing tax evasion as the entire supply chain is transparent and each transaction is recorded. This ensures that businesses are accountable for the taxes they collect and remit, reducing the scope for under-reporting or evading taxes. 
  • Increased competitiveness: GST compliance levels the playing field for businesses by eliminating the cascading effect of taxes (tax on tax). This leads to lower prices for goods and services, making businesses more competitive both domestically and internationally. 
  • Seamless interstate trade: The implementation of GST has made interstate trade and movement of goods easier and more efficient. GST compliance ensures that businesses can smoothly conduct transactions across state lines, without having to deal with multiple taxes and complicated paperwork. 
  • Input tax credit: GST compliance allows businesses to claim the input tax credit on the taxes paid on inputs, reducing the overall tax liability. This helps in lowering the cost of production and improves the profitability of businesses. 
  • Simplified compliance process: GST compliance has simplified the tax compliance process by introducing online portals for registration, return filing, and payment of taxes. This makes it easier for businesses to comply with their tax obligations and reduces the need for manual paperwork. 
  • Centralized registration: GST compliance requires businesses to obtain a centralized registration, eliminating the need for separate registrations in each state. This reduces administrative efforts and compliance costs for businesses operating in multiple states. 
  • Improved cash flow: Under GST, businesses are required to pay taxes on a monthly basis, which improves cash flow management. This eliminates the burden of paying taxes in advance or at the time of filing annual returns, as was the case with the earlier tax regime. 
  • Ease of doing business: GST compliance has made it easier for businesses to start and operate in India by eliminating the complexities of multiple tax laws and making the tax system more transparent. This improves the ease of doing business and attracts more investments in the country.


GST filing refers to the process of filing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) returns. GST is an indirect tax levied on the supply of goods and services in India. It has replaced multiple indirect taxes previously levied by the central and state governments.

 Under GST, registered taxpayers are required to file regular returns to the tax authorities. The GST filling process involves providing details of sales, purchases, and tax paid on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, depending on the turnover and registration type.

 The purpose of GST filling is to ensure accurate reporting of taxable transactions, facilitate the calculation of tax liability, and enable compliance with the GST framework. It also helps in maintaining transparency and accountability in the taxation system.


  • Simplified Tax Structure: GST filing helps to simplify the tax structure by implementing a single tax system that replaces multiple indirect taxes. This reduces the complexity of tax compliance for businesses. 
  • Increased Transparency: GST filing promotes transparency as all transactions are recorded in a centralized database. This helps in preventing tax evasion and enhances the overall efficiency of the tax system. 
  • Reduction in Tax Burden: GST filing eliminates the cascading effect of taxes by allowing the input tax credit. This ensures that businesses can claim credit for taxes paid on their inputs, leading to a reduction in the overall tax burden. 
  • Ease of Doing Business: GST filing reduces the compliance burden for businesses as it streamlines the tax filing process and eliminates the need to file multiple tax returns. This results in a more favorable business environment. 
  • Expanding Market Opportunities: With GST filing, businesses can easily sell their products or services across state borders without any interstate tax restrictions. This widens market opportunities and promotes interstate trade. 
  • Enhanced Competitiveness: GST filing eliminates the tax-related disadvantages faced by businesses operating in different states, thereby promoting fair competition and enabling businesses to operate on a level playing field. 
  • Improved Input Tax Credit Management: Under GST filing, businesses can claim input tax credit across different stages of the supply chain. This improves cash flow management and reduces the overall cost of production. 
  • Better Compliance and Administration: GST filing provides a robust IT infrastructure for tax administration, making it easier for businesses to comply with tax regulations. It also enables authorities to monitor transactions effectively, reducing the scope of tax evasion. 
  • Reduction in Black Money: GST filing promotes transparency and increases the tax base, making it difficult to generate and use black money. This helps in curbing the parallel economy and fosters a more accountable business environment. 
  • Economic Growth: GST filing helps in expanding the tax base, increasing government revenue, and promoting economic growth. It provides a stable and predictable tax environment for businesses, encouraging investments and entrepreneurship.


The Goods and Services Tax (GST) slabs in India are set by the government and are categorized into four different tax rates. These slabs are as follows

1. 0% TAX RATE

Certain essential goods and services, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, books, newspapers, etc., are exempt from GST and do not attract any tax.

2. 5% TAX RATE

This slab includes goods like spices, edible oils, tea, coffee, Life-saving drugs, etc., and services like rail transport and hotels with room tariffs below a certain threshold.

3. 12% AND 18% TAX RATE

This slab encompasses a wide range of goods and services. Goods falling under this slab include processed food items, clothing, ACs, refrigerators, construction materials, financial services, telecommunications, etc.

4. 28% TAX RATE

 Luxury items and services, as well as sin goods like tobacco, aerated drinks, high-end automobiles, etc., fall under this slab.

Additionally, some goods and services are subject to an additional compensation cess. This applies to certain luxury and demerit goods, such as cars and tobacco products. These slabs are determined by the Goods and Services Tax Council, which is composed of representatives from both the central and state governments. The council periodically reviews and revises these slabs based on the prevailing economic conditions and revenue requirements.


GST filing is important to ensure compliance with tax laws, claim input tax credits, maintain transparency, build trust, and avoid penalties. It also contributes to the smooth functioning of the taxation system and supports the growth of the economy.

GST compliance is crucial for businesses to meet their legal obligations, avoid penalties, maintain smooth operations, gain a competitive advantage, access input tax credits and government benefits, and ensure accurate financial reporting.

GST billing is often a tiresome job. However, to make GST billing simpler, You can use Galla.app. It simply digitizes your business and generates the GST bill quickly using the Galla POS. So, think no further, install the Galla app now!